A few figures from French history that everyone should know.
visibility266, numbers11, Crée par : Hector Mecker
Great figures in French history (Part 1)
A few figures from French history that everyone should know.
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He was a king of the Arverni tribe, tried to repel Julius Caesar and was defeated at Alesia in 52 BC.
Born around 466, king of the Salian Franks, then king of all the Franks, was baptized around 496.
Philippe Auguste
Hugues Capet
He was a Frankish military leader who defeated the Arabs of the Umayyad caliphate at Poitiers in 732.
Charles Martel
Hugues Capet
Saint Louis
King of the Franks of the Carolingian dynasty, great reformer, crowned emperor in 800 in Rome.
Charles VII
Louis IX
Philippe Auguste
He was Duke of Normandy invaded England and became King of England after his victory at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
Robert the Strong
William the Conqueror
Robert the Magnificent
Henry II Plantagenet
She fought against the English, had Charles VII crowned and was burned at the stake in 1431.
Joan of Arc
Catherine of Alexandria
Isabeau of Bavaria
Catherine of Valois
He converted to Catholicism, became King of France and put an end to the Wars of Religion by promulgating the Edict of Nantes in 1598.
Henry IV of France
Louis XIII
Charles IX
Henri II of France
He is one of the founders of modern philosophy, born in 1596, famous for his works "Discourse on the Method" and "Principles of Philosophy"
René Descartes
Blaise Pascal
Nicolas Malebranche
Antoine Arnauld
He was one of the main ministers of Louis XIV, promoting an interventionist economic policy (a variant of mercantilism).
Nicolas Fouquet
Michel Le Tellier
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Cardinal Mazarin
He was born in 1694 in Paris, a French Enlightenment writer and philosopher.
Author of "Candide" and "Zadig".
Denis Diderot
René Descartes
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
He is famous for his wit, his criticism of Christianity as well as his advocacy of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and separation of church and state.
French writer and philosopher, born 1712 in Geneva, . Author of "The Confessions" and "The Social Contract" (1762)